


There are many opportunities for growth and service at First Baptist.


The Deacons of First Baptist serve to build a united, spiritually served congregation with a godly lay presence and model Christian service as they do.  They are available to help you with any church questions, or personal needs, you may have.

Bill Toops is Chairman of Deacons.

Women on Mission

WOM is a national organization with local chapters in many Southern Baptist churches. The purpose of the group is to raise awareness of mission projects around the world. They are also heavily involved in hands-on mission projects in our community. They meet on the second Monday of odd-numbered months at 5:00 p.m. in the Ministry Center.

Glenda Hays and Judy Toops lead Women On Mission.

Music and Worship

First Baptist has a long history of strong music talent and reverent, but joyful worship.  Our Adult Choir offers a Christmas musical each year, as well as occasional anthems at other times, and everyone is invited to join!  Children's musical groups offer programs at Christmas and usually at Easter as well, and are always looking for new friends. 

Those who would offer special music through vocal or instrumental solos or ensembles during worship are always welcome to do so.  Just contact the church office.  We are always in need of new musicians to serve in worship services as well! 

Suzie Billups is Music Director.