Worship at First Baptist

What to Expect

The focus of worship at First Baptist Church is the glory of God revealed in Jesus Christ. He is our Audience; we are privileged to gather and adore Him in the beauty of holiness. There is no dress code at First Baptist for worship outwardly, but an inward dress code of awe and reverence in the heart is never inappropriate. Sunday mornings are somewhat formal and lean to the traditional, but warm and inviting-- reflective of the community Marceline is more generally. We emphasize the church liturgical calendar and reinforce this emphasis with weekly lectionary readings and occasional colors, especially on Baptism and Communion Sundays.

Typically, Morning Worship at First Baptist begins with song and a time of greeting. You'll hear a few announcements and, in certain times of year, a brief time of focus on our mission partnerships. Then we read a passage of Scripture, usually from the Old Testament (often a Psalm), and respond in prayer and meditation.

This is followed by a few songs of praise and a special message for children, usually delivered by one of a number of lay members with a special heart for kids. On the third Sunday of most months, children up to fourth grade are dismissed at this point for Children's Church in the Ministry Center. This is led by members who have passed criminal background checks and desire to make a positive difference in the lives of our kids.

A time of worship with tithes and offerings follows. There is no compulsion to give. It is our hope that everyone who gives financially to First Baptist does so joyfully-- cheerfully even!-- by the Holy Spirit's leadership as an act of worship. After the Offertory, you'll hear a reading from another passage of Scripture, usually from the New Testament (often from the Gospels), and occasional special music from different members. Then we worship with a message from God's Word, presented verse by verse in series through books of the Bible (with occasional series focusing on different special topics and doctrines). Our service concludes with a time of invitation, in which you can respond to the Spirit's leadership in your life publicly-- to receive Christ, to join our church, to make another decision, or simply to pray alone or with someone at the altar. We then close in prayer and are dismissed.

Morning Worship tends to last between 80 and 90 minutes.

Evening Worship usually lasts between 70 and 80 minutes.

You, personally, are always welcome in worship with us. We hope to fulfill God's will to be a "house of prayer for all people."

Questions? Contact Pastor Brian at the office at (660) 376-3573, or e-mail us at fbcmarceline@gmail.com .

Weekly Worship Bulletins

December 20, 2020

12-20-2020 Bulletin bi-fold1.pdf